1.That's a recipe for a heart attack
2. Some people just don’t know the struggle
3. At least she's paying for it
4. Honesty is the best policy
5. Hey it's ya boy, Grizzly.
6. Best day ever for her I guessing
7. Tony Hawk is at it again
8. Ever. Ever.
9. Adulthood is hard
10. Life hack
11. That's amazing
12. YEAH airlines.
13. What do you WANT??!
14. Best thing ever!
15. Can't wrap my head around this
16. It’s real easy.
17. She is not kidding.
18. God level
19. Almost nothing is free nowadays
20. We lost to our own hubris
21. Give me the formuloli
22. If you don’t go apple picking and post a picture on Instagram is it really fall?
23. Shirley you can't be serious?
24. Put Him In A Body Bag
25. Tough as nails
26. Good news, everyone!
27. I’m hungry now.
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