Looking Good
Capturing a lovely moment with your significant other is something everyone loves. With social media, it's easier to share these moments, like this couple who quickly snapped a picture in their car.

Looking Good
But we're not sure why they felt the need to use filters. They look just as good without them.
Acne Treatment
Everyone has skin issues now and then, even supermodels. So, while filters can help hide those imperfections, they also create a false image of what people really look like.

Acne Treatment
It's understandable to want to hide acne for that perfect look. But a bit of concealer would have been enough without making her look so artificial.
Plump it Up
Editing tools and filters can completely transform your appearance on social media. This girl is naturally beautiful, so it's puzzling why she felt the need to alter her appearance so drastically.

Plump it Up
Her face looks overly glamorous with the editing, and it seems like her backside might have been edited, too.
Blemish Free
Every girl dreams of having smooth, sun-kissed skin. But we all have little flaws on our faces that make achieving that magazine-perfect smoothness impossible. Often, these little imperfections add character.

Blemish Free
This girl edited out small blemishes and signs of acne to get that perfect Instagram photo, showing how superficial our society can be.
“It” Couple?
We all see celebrity couples in magazines looking great together, so it's natural to want to show off our relationships in the best light too.

“It” Couple?
But sometimes, people overdo it with editing, making everything look fake. This couple is attractive enough without all the extra edits.
Smooth as Silk
Some people take Instagram filters to the extreme. But even a little bit of editing can distort reality. Just smoothing your skin and adding some color can seem a bit vain.

Smooth as Silk
This woman is naturally beautiful, but her edited photo looks more like a model. The original picture isn't bad at all!
Just a Little Touch-Up
We all have things about our bodies we don't like. No matter how confident you are, there's always something you'd change. Social media editing tools and filters make it easy to alter our appearance.

Just a Little Touch-Up
But showing the real you is also important, so people don't compare themselves to unrealistic images. This girl is gorgeous just the way she is!
Who Needs Make-Up?
Putting on makeup can be a hassle, especially if you want to be ready for a spontaneous selfie. Filters can save time in these situations.

Who Needs Make-Up?
While filters can be overused, they can be helpful, like for this girl who didn't feel like doing her makeup. She used a filter and some editing for a fully made-up look.
We're often told to strive for perfection, whether we're male or female. But what is perfection, really? Social media edits and filters aim for a perfect image.

Yet, sometimes flaws are beautiful and should be embraced. Like with this woman, the unedited picture didn't need any editing.
Trying Something New
When you're feeling under the weather but still want to maintain your social media presence, editing and filters can be tempting.

Trying Something New
This woman looks a bit pale and tired in the unedited photo, so she decided to edit it. It's not the worst edit, but it was unnecessary.
No Wrinkles
As we age or lose weight, we might find wrinkles or lines we're not happy with. Editing your photos means you won't need medical procedures to fix them.

No Wrinkles
But sometimes, editing isn't needed. Lines and wrinkles add character and can enhance your look, like in this woman's case.
Glamming it Up
If you're not going out but want that perfect Instagram photo, you might not feel like putting on makeup. That's where photo editing and filters come in handy.

Glamming it Up
But they're not always necessary, as with this woman. A little brightening was all that was needed for her picture.
Still Unhappy?
Wanting to share your mood on social media is common these days. You can just snap a selfie and post it, waiting for people to ask what's wrong.

Still Unhappy?
This woman didn't want to look bad while doing so and decided to smooth out her face. However, we don't think it was necessary!
Too Much
Posting a picture with natural light and beauty is valuable, but social media's focus on perfection makes it hard for many women.

Too Much
This woman edited her photo, and it just made her look like she needed some sun. A little natural color would have been better, even if she was trying to make her eyes stand out.
Tanned and Loving It
Some women dream of a perfect tan without all the effort, but they often end up with wrinkles from the sun and then try to edit them out. That's what this woman seems to have thought.

Tanned and Loving It
This might be a minor edit, but even this seems a bit too much. Both her natural and edited pictures look fine, but natural beauty always has its own charm!
The quest for perfection on social media has reached such heights that even stunningly beautiful women resort to filters and photo editing. This girl, who is gorgeous without any edits, probably thought she needed just a little touch-up, but it was really unnecessary.

We can't help but feel a bit sad and annoyed about the need for filters and editing. If she thinks she needs it, then it's likely many others do too.
When you're on vacation, you want to take amazing photos to share with friends and family. Whether it's to share your excitement or make them a bit jealous, you aim for perfect pictures.

But those pictures should still look like you, not someone else. The amount of photo editing and filtering here is just over the top!
Not Necessary
Using filters and photo editing can be helpful, like when you're considering changing your hair color and want to see how it might look.

Not Necessary
But completely altering your appearance, as this girl did, is just extreme. Red hair might suit her, but the other changes were unnecessary.
A Little Off
Society's beauty standards can be ridiculous. Everyone's body is different and beautiful in its own way, but the pressure on overweight women is disproportionate.

A Little Off
This girl is almost unrecognizable with her edits. If it weren't for her eyes, we'd never guess it's the same person. She needs to ditch the filters and embrace her natural beauty!
Is That Her?
A little touch-up or filter use is understandable, but the end result shouldn't look like you've undergone multiple plastic surgeries and completely changed your appearance.

Is That Her?
This girl is naturally beautiful, and it's sad that she felt the need to alter her looks so drastically for social media.
Just Saying
We get wanting to look your best when posting pictures on social media. But when your "best" means relying on fake filters, it becomes problematic.

Just Saying
This girl is naturally beautiful and doesn't need all that editing. It makes us question what societal pressures are making even young girls think they need to change their appearance.
Today's filters and photo editing tools are so realistic, it's hard to tell what's real and what's not. This girl looks completely different from the neck up in her edited photo.

Why she felt the need to do all this, we're not sure. But if you're going to make such drastic changes, be prepared for the surprise people might have when they see the real you.
Sculpted Down
Everyone's body is unique, and one person's idea of perfection isn't realistic for everyone. Unfortunately, social media and its filters have blurred this understanding.

Sculpted Down
This girl changed everything from her face to her eye color for that Instagram-perfect look. It's a sad reflection of our times that someone feels they need to go to such lengths to feel beautiful.
Just More Cosplay
Many people love dressing up for conventions, and some take their cosplay very seriously. This girl was a mild cosplayer until she discovered photo editing filters.

Just More Cosplay
Wanting to appear thinner is one thing, but resorting to heavy editing is disheartening. She was fine as she was, but with all the edits, she just blends into the crowd on social media.
Dermatologist Approved
Filters might just put dermatologists out of business if all it takes is a swipe on Instagram to clear up acne. We understand the desire to feel beautiful, especially for those struggling with severe acne.

Dermatologist Approved
But overdoing it with edits isn't the answer to feeling confident in your own skin. Being realistic is important.
True Colors
Many of us dream of trying different hair or eye colors. While changing hair color is easy with dye, eye color is trickier. That's where playing with filters can be fun.

True Colors
But when you combine it with other edits and smooth your skin to the point of looking unnatural, it's just too much. This girl should know she's beautiful just as she is.
Clear Zone
Clearing up acne used to take months, but now, with a simple swipe on a phone, it disappears. It's like the newest form of acne treatment!

Clear Zone
This girl is lovely with or without acne. But she felt the need to edit it out for her Instagram post. That says a lot about our societal pressures.
Sparkle in Her Eye
A picture with a little sparkle in the eye can be captivating. Sure, you can add that with filters, but it should be subtle.

Sparkle in Her Eye
This girl added sparkle but also smoothed her skin and changed her eye color. It's like she's not happy with her true self, which is a shame.
Just a Little Fake
This picture shows that filters have their limits. This girl has beautiful eyes, and though she has some acne, there's no real need to edit the image.

Just a Little Fake
Unless she's promoting an acne product, removing those blemishes is unnecessary. The over-brightness in the edit makes her look like she needs some sun.
Who? Me? I Always Look Like This!
A friendly face with a beautiful smile has a warm and inviting charm. Just a smile alone can make someone look stunning, as is the case with this young woman!

Who? Me? I Always Look Like This!
It's sad to see her feel the need to edit her photos or use filters. She's naturally beautiful and doesn't need to alter her images for social media.
Playing with filters is one thing, but overusing them, as this girl did, is another. Her eyes were already lovely, but the filter made them look unnatural and a bit creepy.

On top of that, she smoothed her skin too much. She didn't need any of these edits, unless she was trying out a White Walker look for Halloween!
Age Is Just a Number
As we age, our bodies change, and for some, this can lead to self-consciousness, especially on social media where we often compare ourselves to others.

Age Is Just a Number
But with age comes a unique beauty. This woman's use of filters and editing seems excessive. The natural "before" picture actually looks better than the heavily edited one.
Photo Swap
Using facial filters to slim down your face is common, but completely altering your appearance for a social media image is extreme.

Photo Swap
This group's extensive use of photo editing and filters is just baffling! Why they felt the need to alter their appearances so much is beyond us.
Heads Up
Swapping heads with someone else in a photo isn't a great idea for social media. Even though editing tools have improved, it's usually still noticeable. So, what this woman did raises questions!

Heads Up
If you're going to use someone else's face, at least choose one that isn't easily recognizable!
No Features
Wanting to smooth out wrinkles and "flaws" is understandable, but it's part of who you are. Some people, however, take it a bit too far.

No Features
Over-smoothing to the point where you lose facial features isn't ideal. Airbrushing like this should be a thing of the past, especially on social media!
Playing with filters can be fun, especially with special holiday ones like Halloween. Maybe that's what this person was trying?

Whatever they did with editing and filters, it makes them look ghostly. If that wasn't the intention, they definitely overdid it.
New Look
Makeup can transform a woman's appearance, making her feel and look different. But this is more than just a makeup makeover; it's an overdone photo edit.

New Look
Using editing tools to this extent is excessive. This woman looks nothing like herself in the edited photo.
Sticking Your Neck Out
While people probably won't stop using photo editors and filters, they need to be used correctly, or you might end up looking unhealthy, like this girl.

Sticking Your Neck Out
Her neck was edited a bit too much, making the photo look unnatural. A little restraint goes a long way with these tools.
Happy Birthday!
Birthdays can make people feel sensitive about their age and appearance, leading them to go overboard with photo editing.

Happy Birthday!
This woman posted two vastly different images on her feed, one natural and one heavily edited. It's strange to see such a contrast in the same person's social media presence.
What Do You Think?
Many strive to meet social media's beauty standards and fit in with the latest trends, leading to the use of filters.

What Do You Think?
This girl, though naturally beautiful, thought she needed extra steps to look beautiful on Instagram. In our opinion, she went too far, ending up looking fake.
Facial Reconstruction
Your face makes you unique, so it's important to love what you're given. However, some feel their faces aren't quite right and resort to photo editing and filters.

Facial Reconstruction
This girl's natural wider face suited her better than the overly edited photo. It's a shame she felt the need to change it.
Guys, Too!
Beauty standards and trends on social media aren't just for women. Men, too, can be sensitive about their looks and use editing tools and filters.

Guys, Too!
This guy wanted an Abercrombie model look and ended up overdoing it. Embracing natural features is often better, as his original look wasn't bad at all!
Glam Up
Makeup artists can transform someone's appearance, but this seems to be more than just a makeup job â it's an overdone edit.

Glam Up
Wanting to look great is one thing, but there's a line that shouldn't be crossed in photo editing. This woman seems to have missed that line entirely.
Before Was Better
It's frustrating when perfectly fine individuals think they need to alter their appearance for social media. This woman was stunning before any edits.

Before Was Better
In our opinion, her natural look is far superior. Even the red hair in the original is more appealing than the edited version.
No Makeup
The downside of editing and filtering photos for social media is that you're not showing the real you.

No Makeup
If people meet you in person after only seeing your edited images online, they might not recognize you. This young lady likely has experienced this, as she seems to overuse filters quite a bit!
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