Liam Neeson Loved his Late Wife, Natasha Richardson SO Dearly He Chose to Remain Faithful After She Passed

The Taken superstar first met the love of his life in 1993 when they were cast in Anna Christie. At that time, Neeson was famous for his reputation of being a ‘ladies’ man,’ and Natasha was married to a producer, Robert Fox.

“I’d never had that kind of an explosive chemistry situation with an actor or actress,” Liam told Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes. “We had just this wonderful kind of dance—free dance on stage every night. She and I were like [Fred] Astaire and [Ginger] Rogers.”

After her divorce, Natasha began her relationship with Liam despite his immense popularity among women and fell hard for him.

“Working with him, what happened between us, and that becoming public knowledge in conjunction with my marriage falling apart, was kind of bad timing,” she told New York Daily News. “So what can I say? Obviously, I fell very much in love with him.”

On her 30th birthday, Liam sent Natasha a card that read, “You’re catching up with me. Lots of love, Oskar.”

After reading his card, Richardson confronted Neeson and asked about their relationship status.

“This is like a letter from a buddy. What is our relationship?” she asked.

The couple tied the knot on a farm in NYC in 1994.

They welcomed two children, Micheál & Daniel. The happy family lived a joyous life for 16 years until tragedy befell them.

On March 18th, 2009 – the couple was at the Mont Tremblant Ski Resort, where Natasha had a skiing accident that led to a severe head injury. She was taken to the hospital, but the damage to her brain was so severe that it led to internal bleeding.

While speaking to CNN’S Anderson Cooper, Liam talked about the tragic day:

“I was told she was brain dead. And seeing this X-ray, it was, like, “Wow.” You know. But obviously she was on life support and stuff. And I went in to her and told her I loved her. Said, “Sweetie, you’re not coming back from this. You’ve banged your head. It’s– I don’t know if you can hear me, but that’s– this is what’s gone down. And we’re bringing ya back to New York. All your family and friends will come.” And that was more or less it. You know?”

He also talked about how the couple made a pact and how Natasha’s organs are now saving the lives of others,

“She and I had made a pact. If any of us got into a vegetative state that we’d pull the plug. You know? So when I saw her and saw all these tubes and stuff, that was my immediate thought. Was, “OK, these tubes have to go. She’s gone.” But donated three of her organs, so she’s keeping three people alive at the moment. Yeah. Her heart, her kidneys and her liver.”

Her sons deeply felt the loss of their mother. Micheál was only 13 years old when she died. Liam opened up about what that loss had been like.

In an interview with Andy Cohen, he talked about his son Micheál changing his last name to Richardson.

“I think he did the right thing. I think it was a lovely homage, a nice gesture, and he’s not saddled with my last name, which, I have a certain celebrity status, I guess.”

On the topic of raising two teenage boys, Liam spoke to GQ Magazine. According to ABC News,

“My boys are teenagers. They’re experimenting. They’re flexing muscles and sometimes dangerous avenues, and you think, ‘F***. If Tasha was here, someone could share this,’”

According to Belfast Telegraph, he talked about the importance of a mother figure,

“Not having a mother figure definitely set the balance of the family off.”

 Years after her tragic passing, the Blacklight star said he still felt the pain in his heart that she was not alive and thought the pain would never leave him.

“There’re periods now when I hear the door opening,” he told Loaded Magazine. “And I still think I’m going to hear her.”

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